Graph Theory As I Have Known It
  Graph Theory As I Have Known It
Titolo Graph Theory As I Have Known It
AutoreW. T. Tutte
Prezzo€ 41,69
EditoreClarendon Press
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

This book provides a unique and unusual introduction to graph theory by one of the founding fathers, and will be of interest to all researchers in the subject. It is not intended as a comprehensive treatise, but rather as an account of those parts of the theory that have been of special interest to the author. Professor Tutte details his experience in the area, and provides a fascinating insight into how he was led to his theorems and the proofs he used. As well as being of historical interest it provides a useful starting point for research, with references to further suggested books as well as the original papers. The book starts by detailing the first problems worked on by Professor Tutte and his colleagues during his days as an undergraduate member of the Trinity Mathematical Society in Cambridge. It covers subjects such as comnbinatorial problems in chess, the algebraicization of graph theory, reconstruction of graphs, and the chromatic eigenvalues. In each case fascinating historical and biographical information about the author's research is provided.