Change Activists make things happen - quickly and effectively. The tools of activism can be used by everyone to effect rapid change for themselves and their companies. This book shows you how to use activist tools in your working life to get big results, fast. And how success, profit and principles are mutually achievable – so you can have a job and give a damn. The second edition tackles the "lack of trust" issue post Enron, Andersenetc. The cover of dirty business has been blown - stakeholder change activists are watching more closely so business leaders need to listen. Change Activist financial advice is expanded particularly how the pension crisis means change activism is needed to take responsibility for your own financial future.The rise of cause-related marketing is further explored showing why businesses need to show Change Activist awareness to get ahead on the 'milk round' - according to KPMG corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the second most important thing to graduates. Alsosee howAnita Roddick, Julia Middleton and other campaigners viewed and used the Change Activist message.