The Gentleman's Guide to Life

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Whether you're a sensitive, bookish type or a beer-guzzling Cyber-jock--or just an average guy--The Gentleman's Guide to Life is a perfect and indispensable primer on looking, living, and feeling good, answering all your questions about clothes, career, fitness, love, and lust.
How do I move up without selling out?
How do I help my friends (and crush my enemies)?
How do I feed and care for my boss?
What kind of suit should I wear?
What kind of shoes do I wear with the suit? Socks?
Do I really need to take my vitamins?
Is this impotence or lack of interest?
How much sleep do I need?
How can I bluff my way through a wine list?
What is Cubism?
How much should I tip?
What CDs should I have to relax? To seduce?
Do I like her? Do I really, really like her?
What does she mean I don't listen?
How do I propose (or ask for the ring back)?
Am I the best man I can possibly be?