Every Word A Lie
  Every Word A Lie
Titolo Every Word A Lie
AutoreSue Wallman
Prezzo€ 9,35
EditoreScholastic Fiction
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Just a funny little prank ... until someone dies. Jess and her best friend, Max, decide to catfish Hollie, a girl in their maths catch-up group who goes on and on about her crush, Liam. They don't plan to trick her for long, but then she turns up dead, and the police want to question real-life Liam - and soon have more questions for Jess and Max. They pair confess to the prank, but then someone else in their group, Nina, gets a message from 'Liam', which Liam denies sending. *Someone* is using Liam's profile to catfish again and again, with murderous intent - but who? And why? Jess is in danger - but what can she do, when she can no longer trust anyone?