Have you been yearning for a spark of joy, strength, or abundance but just can’t seem to find it? “Getting Lit” is about igniting an inner light that fuels, nourishes, guides, and keeps you motivated and strong while living the life you love!
Light is the creative energy that gives everything in the universe life; it is what we’re all made of and speaks to our amazing strength and healing capabilities. Many people have either forgotten about their inner light or dimmed it down because they’re ashamed of themselves, afraid of failure, or even more afraid of success. They can’t see how to escape the dark place they have found themselves in. Get Lit from Within shows how to flip the switch to shine brightly from within, and find your way out of the darkness.
Alysa Rushton is a speaker and coach, considered a global thought leader on activating one’s inner light and creating the lives we dream about. She is the creator of the popular programs Lit from Within, Reality By Divine DesignTM, Charge What You’re Worth and Get It, and Soul Magic. She has inspired thousands of students, clients, and listeners to ignite their spark and truly live the life of abundance they desire.
Get Lit from Within is the system Alysa used to turn her own life around from a depressed, sickly, unemployed drug addict to a happy and healthy owner of a successful business. She will give you the step-by-step instructions needed to raise your energy and completely transform your life. She can be your most loving girlfriend, one who has been there, done it all, and can hold your hand and walk beside you as you embark on this new path. This is a book for people who are one step beyond skeptical. They are desperate. She knows, because she’s been there.