When you think of all of the work the back and neck do each day — constantly moving, bending and twisting as people go about their day-to-day activities — it's not surprising that problems develop. But just as doing too much can put back and neck health at risk, so can doing too little. Decreased physical activity is a major contributor to poor spinal health.
In the Mayo Clinic book Back and Neck Health, acclaimed neurosurgeon Mohamad Bydon, M.D., evaluates the primary back and neck conditions plaguing working adults today and identifies everyday actions that may exacerbate the pain. The book also outlines the variety of treatment options available to those living with chronic back and neck pain, including home treatments, physical therapy, interventional approaches, and different types of surgery. Finally, Dr. Bydon reviews specific lifestyle changes that can help individuals improve and maintain good back and neck health as they age.
The book is organized as follows:
Part 1: Understanding your back and neck
Chapter 1: Your spine
Chapter 2: Back and neck pain
Chapter 3: Common back problems
Chapter 4: Common neck problems
Part 2: Relieving your pain
Chapter 5: Identifying the problem
Chapter 6: Home treatment
Chapter 7: Physical therapy
Chapter 8: Nonsurgical interventions
Chapter 9: Surgery
Chapter 10: Living well