Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask... A collection of timeless tales featuring the Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and his human companion Felix Jaeger. From the undead-ridden marshes of Hel Fenn, where an ancient evil lurks, to the court of a skaven lord in the depths of a dwarf hold, the duo face excitement, danger and intrigue at every turn.
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It's four unique stories from across the Gotrek & Felix timeline. There's a chance to see that Felix's bravery and selflessness was there long before he ever met the Slayer, and a look at a fascinating element of dwarf culture, plus the duo's involvement in the resurrection of the villainous Mannfred von Carstein is revealed!