Living Enlightened
  Living Enlightened
Titolo Living Enlightened
AutoreElizabeth Cantey
Prezzo€ 8,41
EditoreDeVorss Publications
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

It’s moving day and just the thought of packing, loading, unloading, unpacking, and starting a new life seems daunting, except this time the move is not to a new house or location. This time, the move is within–a spiritual shift–and you can’t hire or ask anyone else to do it for you. LIVING ENLIGHTENED--THE JOY OF INTEGRATING SPIRIT, MIND AND BODY presents an integrative path to transcending the ego, releasing preconceived ideas, letting go of fears and resentment, and allowing ourselves to become fully immersed in the present moment. As you shift to the joy, peace, wealth and prosperity, overwhelming love and divine intuition, you’ll know you have moved to a new home – only now you’ll be in alignment with the All There Is. Author Elizabeth Cantey had been living a life that seemed happy and prosperous on the outside but one day that life collapsed, leaving her unsure of what true happiness is and where it can be found. Seeking a new life, she looked everywhere yet came up empty time after time. That’s when she realized her “moving day” had arrived. It was now time to move from her familiar life to an enlightened life. Here in this powerful new book you will follow Cantey’s journey as she learned to embrace love, joy, and peace from within, regardless of her outer circumstances. All this from a woman who has walked the path.