Coping with Chronic Pain (Headline Health series)
  Coping with Chronic Pain (Headline Health series)
Titolo Coping with Chronic Pain (Headline Health series)
AutoreDr Ilan Lieberman
Prezzo€ 8,49
EditoreHeadline Home
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Acquistabile dal 29 gennaio
Many people live with chronic pain. For some, it"s an occasional inconvenience but, for others, it's a huge burden, with a very serious effect on their day to day lives. In Coping with Chronic Pain, Dr Ilan Lieberman explains the current scientific understanding of what chronic pain is, how many different types of chronic pain there are, what causes it and why certain people suffer with chronic pain but others don't. This book will examine how to manage chronic pain, the treatment options available and answer commonly asked questions. This easy-to-understand guide will give you all the information you need to better understand chronic pain and take the next steps in managing or seeking treatment for this condition.