McGraw-Hill Education New York City SHSAT, Second Edition
  McGraw-Hill Education New York City SHSAT, Second Edition
Titolo McGraw-Hill Education New York City SHSAT, Second Edition
AutoreDrew D. Johnson
Prezzo€ 11,85
EditoreMcGraw Hill
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Everything You Need to Get the Score You Want on the SHSAT You need to score well on the Specialized High School Admission Test if you want to get into one of New York City's specialized high schools: The Bronx High School of Science, The Brooklyn Latin School, Brooklyn Technical High School, High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineering at City College, High School of American Studies at Lehman College, Queens High School for the Sciences at York College, Staten Island Technical High School, and Stuyvesant High School. We’ve put all of our proven expertise into New York City SHSAT to make sure you’re fully prepared for this challenging exam. With this book, you’ll learn essential skill-building techniques and strategies created by a leading test-prep expert. You’ll also get three full-length practice tests, hundreds of sample questions, and all the facts about the current exam. This book will guide you through your preparation program and give you the tools you need to succeed. Inside you'll find: • 2 full-length practice SHSAT tests • A full-length diagnostic exam to help you focus your preparation efforts • A step-by-step review of all Verbal and Mathematics topics covered on the test • More than 300 practice questions to build your confidence • Expert strategies to help you raise your score on questions involving algebra, probability, statistics, scrambled paragraphs, and logical reasoning