Everything you need to pass the welding certification exams-fully updated for the latest advances!
This thoroughly revised study guide helps you pass your licensing certification exams-including the AWS certification exam-and obtain your professional license. Inside, you'll find a valuable review of material that is most likely to appear on welding certification exams-from basic safety and cutting practices to different types of welding, including plasma-arc, shielded-metal-arc, oxyacetylene, flux-cored, gas metal, and gas tungsten, brazing, soldering, and more.
Welding Licensing Exam Study Guide, Second Edition features:
Over 1,000 updated multiple-choice and true-false practice exam questions and answers
Numerous welding calculations and troubleshooting tips
Hundreds of detailed drawings and illustrations
New: Info on plastic pipes and tubing
New: Methods of welding repair and maintenance
In-depth coverage of welding tools and their uses
The latest welding safety practices
Guidance on studying welding methods
SI and English units for all problems and equations
Welding and Cutting Processes
Plasma-Arc Cutting and Welding
Shielded-Metal-Arc Welding
Oxyacetylene Welding
Flux-Cored-Arc Welding
Gas-Metal-Arc Welding
Gas-Tungsten-Arc Welding
Braze Welding
Lead, Tin, and Zinc
Identifying Metals
Cast Iron and Its Alloys
Wrought Iron
Carbon Steels
Low- and High-Alloy Steels
Hardfacing, Tool, and Die Steels
Reactive and Refractory Metals
Galvanized Metals
Soft Metals and Their Alloys
Submerged-Arc Welding
Arc-Welding Electrodes
Types of Joints
Welding Positions
Welding Tips and Tests
Common Welding Problems
Conversion Tables
Welding Terminology
Tips for Producing Good Welds