A three-part story of 15,900 words about an Australian boy, Jake, nine years-old, who lives in a seaside town called Coconut.
Part one, Jake's Magical Easter Adventure - Jake spends his Easter holiday with a backpack exploring his home-town and the world beyond, where he meets very strange people, before joining up with two aboriginal friends, Ben and Ken. They hike into mystical coastal mountains to discover a fantasy world with amazing wildlife.
While sleeping in a beach hut, an angry giant mud crab with huge claws walks out of the sea looking for tasty morsels to eat.
Jake suddenly wakes up in bed at home.
Part two, Jake's Crazy Christmas Adventure - Jake travels with his mother to visit relatives in Tromso, northern Norway. Knowing they were close to the North Pole, he was hoping he might see Santa Claus, which happens on his first night when one of Santa's elves, takes a jet-lagged Jake on a high-speed journey from his bedroom to Santa's Village for a memorable five-minute meeting with the big man, himself, before returning the boy to Tromso. When he tells his mother, she says it was just another dream, like the one at Easter, caused by jet-lag, but Jake knows this time it was real.
Part three, Jake's Great New Year's Day Adventure - Jake returns from Norway on New Year's Eve. Next day, despite more jet-lag, he goes looking for his best friend, Cooper, plus Ben and Ken. They end up at the home of aboriginal elder, Grandpa Lionel, who, after hearing of Jake's visit to the North Pole, decides that the boy's jet-lag makes him suitable for some 'mind travel'. He places Jake in a trance, before sending him back to the Dreamtime, where Jake witnesses and reacts to several stories of aboriginal lore, which also teach him important life-lessons.