In the climactic finale of The Legends of Oblivion trilogy, Gillespie stands at a crossroads of vengeance and redemption. Haunted by a deep-seated loathing for dragons, he's poised to expose their hidden malevolence to the world. Yet, an inner conflict rages within him: can he rescue his closest friend from a fate worse than death — becoming a dragon forever?
Mere, with a heart full of determination and a destiny she cannot deny, embarks on a perilous quest. Her mission? To shield her kin from the Warlock's impending doom. But as she journeys with unfamiliar allies, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic warrior, Gillespie. Succumbing to forbidden passion was never part of the prophecy.
Dive into a tale of forbidden love, ancient prophecies, and destinies intertwined. "War of Darkness" promises heart-pounding action, tantalizing romance, and spellbinding magic. Choose your side, for darkness looms and legends will rise.