The law of Yoga is the law of Life. Yoga embodies the secrets of successful living and combines profound and age-old truths with a way of life acceptable to the modern mind.
But Yoga is not a religion, nor is it a mystic cult.
It is a Hindu system of philosophic meditation and asceticism designed to effect the reunion of the devotee’s soul with God.
It is a philosophy which integrates the individual life and the world surrounding us to achieve a basic harmony and equilibrium in the heart and mind of man.
This book is primarily concerned with this Yoga of the physical body known as Hatha Yoga.
While the body and the mind cannot be separated and the health of one affects the health of the other, I have laid stress on the day to day problems and ailments of the average person who wishes to improve his general health.
Not everyone has the mystic vocation to achieve union with God, the Universal Spirit, which is the primary aim of all Yoga, but everyone would like to know how to improve his health.
Many Westerners, moving as they do in a world of hurry and stress, feel that Yoga holds nothing for them and that the whole philosophy is rather remote, vague, and impractical.
In this book my aim is to show readers how the ancient system of Yoga provides an effective answer to the many problems of our modern life.
You can take an active part in the hurly burly of everyday living and Yoga will act as a protection from the numerous stresses of your environment.
While best results are obtained by exercising and practicing breathing and relaxation alone, nevertheless you need not become a hermit to achieve success and improved health through Yoga.
Healing Yoga joins the ancient knowledge with the practice of hatha yoga to help treat common ailments, including headache, asthma, bronchitis, insomnia, fatigue, neurasthenia, arthritis, rheumatism, obesity, female disorders, tension and emotional stress, kidney and liver complaints, eyestrain and stiff neck, stomach pain and the improvement of the figure. The book is suitable for both beginners and experienced yogis.