This book is about our lack of awareness about Soft Skills, Health, Money and other basic life skills which are essential to be successful, healthy and wealthy personally as well as professionally In the 21st century.
There are some glaring aspects missing from our learning process. I can very candidly assume that, most of the struggle/frustration we go through in our lives is not because of professional incompetence or lack of technical/operational knowhow of domains related to our professions but because of complete lack of understanding of Health aspects, life skills/soft skills and financial literacy.
If we fail to take any action on these illiteracy issues immediately, we may end up paying a very heavy price in terms of wasting our precious resources like Intelligence, Time, Health and above all peace of mind. Lack of understanding of these basic aspects of demanding 21st Century Life, will expose us to a very big challenge from the local/global competition and we’ll end up wasting most of our adult life correcting these stupid mistakes instead of focusing on building our lives based on our academic/professional competence.
It gives me immense pleasure in presenting to you my understanding of these aspects so that we can learn, re-learn and be ready for the demanding careers and fulfilling lives.
Let us not “Miss The Bus”.