Pornography is everywhere.
Women tend to think of porn as having the power to corrupt men’s minds, destroy relationships, and crush marriages – but many men think of it as a fun, pleasurable pastime that enhances overall sexual pleasure. The disconnect between these perspectives can affect even the most loving and committed relationships.
Ladies, if your man is fascinated by porn, you probably feel frustrated, hurt, angry, and confused. You may even feel less desirable, or like he’s cheating on you. Your feelings may alternate between disgust and curiosity. Thoughts of working things out or quitting the relationship may have surfaced.
Either way, your relationship is likely in turmoil. This book, based on firsthand experience, can help you get your relationship back on track.
In How to Handle Your Partner’s Fascination with Pornography and Make Your Relationship Better Than Before, you’ll learn how to:
•Learn the difference between fascination with adult sites and porn addiction
•Understand your man’s fascination with adult sites
•Get your man to open up about his interest in porn and discuss your sexual relationship
•Discuss your feelings about porn without anger or frustration
•Discover his sexual fantasies and use that knowledge to your advantage
•Reclaim your power as a sexy, passionate, vibrant, and confident woman
•Discover the passion you once had with your man and make it better than ever before!