Macrobiotics: A Dietary Guide To Macrobiotics Meal Planning : Lose Weight, Boost Metabolism And Balance Your Hormones
  Macrobiotics: A Dietary Guide To Macrobiotics Meal Planning : Lose Weight, Boost Metabolism And Balance Your Hormones
Titolo Macrobiotics: A Dietary Guide To Macrobiotics Meal Planning : Lose Weight, Boost Metabolism And Balance Your Hormones
AutoreAnn Wright-Henry
Prezzo€ 2,99
EditoreMarketConnexus, LLC
LinguaTesto in Inglese

What is macrobiotics all about? To some it may sound like a scientific experiment. It is really a new look at how we eat. The diet should be ecological and environmentally based. This book aptly describes what the macrobiotic diet is and how one can go about making a transition to it or at least adopting some of the principles of it. The information is very well presented and is backed by clinical research done by prominent scientists. It really provides a wealth of information on the topic and even the individual that has never heard about macrobiotics will have a very good understanding of what it is all about when they are done reading this guide. The author goes to great lengths to make it as clear as possible and also to provide some health tips and warnings. The advantages and disadvantages are also outlined so that at the end of it all the reader is able to make an informed decision as to whether they will adopt this lifestyle one hundred percent or just adopt some of the principles that the diet outlines. It makes a pretty good read and the information provided is very well supported with great examples.