Welcome to the Real Fast Results podcast! This episode features Bruce Jones, who is a #1 bestselling author, graphic designer, and product developer. Bruce actually writes, speaks, and consults on publishing, social media, blogging, video, and general marketing. He’s also the creator of WorldofMaps.com. One of the things that’s interesting about this site is that it is partially built upon the use of public domain materials.
Essentially, he created editable PowerPoint maps and now sells them worldwide to individuals, corporations, educational institutions, and even the federal government. He’s also an illustrator of maps, and his maps have been used for business and sales presentations worldwide. Bruce is the author and/or creator of 40 books on geography, music, business, children’s and coloring. He also practices Tai Chi. With the release of Seven Steps to Publishing Your Book, Bruce has been able to bring forth his experience and knowledge to the world.