Do you want to try keto, but you can't because it's too hard, and you're a vegetarian?
Going vegetarian can limit your food options, and going keto can limit those options even further. What do you eat? How do you source ingredients, or make food? And do you have to quit your job just to spend all day making food that you don't even like.
Fortunately, you're not alone. More and more people are adopting both keto and vegetarianism for so many reasons: health, gaining lean muscle, losing weight, decreasing belly fat, and even to help the environment. The good news is that so many people are into it, that it's getting easier and more socially acceptable to adopt an amazing new diet like this one. Even better news: there's a book that will solve all of your problems, and serve as a meal planner, and recipe book for some really delicious things designed just for you!
The Super Easy Vegetarian Keto Cookbook delivers exactly what you need to cook incredibly simple recipes that don't take long, and are impossible to screw up. It's as wonderful for complete beginners to the kitchen as it is for complete beginners to the Ketogenic diet. And it's a complete tool for your kitchen, with plenty of excellent information and recipes for keto and cooking pros, as well. Inside you will find:
Everything You Need to Know About A Vegetarian Keto Diet
Delicious Breakfast Recipes
Scrumptious Lunch Dishes
Delectable Dinner Goodness
Tasteful Snacks and Desserts
A 28 Day Meal Planner (So It's All Done For You!)
Easy Access Lists of YES and NO Foods To Simplify Your Life
What are you waiting for? A diet only works if you eat the right foods, and this book has everything you need to get started, and eat a vegetarian Keto diet for life! Scroll back up and click Buy Now to lose weight, eat better, and cook easier.