N9NE Teen Ghosts Volume 1
  N9NE Teen Ghosts Volume 1
Titolo N9NE Teen Ghosts Volume 1
AutoreRon Knight
Prezzo€ 0,99
EditoreRon Knight
LinguaTesto in Inglese

This book is dedicated to nine teens that had to overcome the horror of having their own ghost drag them to the grave. Names of the students along with their school have been changed in order to protect their identity. What color is your ghost? Remember, your ghost will not choose your favorite color, but rather a color that represents your dark side. Using the list below, choose your ghost based on your ghastly emotions and feelings. Red Ghost: Short Tempered Green Ghost: Jealous Purple Ghost: Needy Yellow Ghost: Coward Orange Ghost: Criticizes Others Brown Ghost: Avoids Problems Blue Ghost: Lacks Focus Gray Ghost: Gloomy Pink Ghost: Cruel ????? "Combination of nightmares and terror, demanding to be read with the lights off while the plot snaps in a chilling different direction on each page." ????? "N9NE Teen Ghosts is the perfect ghost story and will keep you glued to your seat." Jodi Olson, Author of From A Distance ????? "A captivating page turner that was easy to read, with characters that will be hard to forget!" Lisa Vandiver, Author of Where She Belongs Book Series ????? "Gripping, easy to lose yourself in, hard to put down!" (Melanie Young, author of Rainbow in the Dark) ????? "A chilling and effectively realized supernatural tale" Walter Rhein