Virtual Velocity is the story of the curious creation of pop phenomena, Jake Jenkins, America's most renowned and successful literary novelist. Spanning six decades, through three interconnected stories, Virtual Velocity follows Jake from a sixteen-year-old learning about literature and women, to frenetic rock journalist, to struggling literary novelist, to world-famous author. Journeying through LA's rock and literary worlds, it is also an homage to the city, tracking its internal and external changing landscape and its cultural shape shifting. Virtual Velocity explores the complicated and often mystifying intersection between fame and art.Virtual Velocity is the story of the curious creation of pop phenomena, Jake Jenkins, America's most renowned and successful literary novelist. Spanning six decades, through three interconnected stories, Virtual Velocity follows Jake from a sixteen-year-old learning about literature and women, to frenetic rock journalist, to struggling literary novelist, to world-famous author. Journeying through LA's rock and literary worlds, it is also an homage to the city, tracking its internal and external changing landscape and its cultural shape shifting. Virtual Velocity explores the complicated and often mystifying intersection between fame and art.