Acupuncturist and herbalist Aimee Raupp, M.S., L.Ac., offers a holistic plan for healing from autoimmune disease through reconnection to yourself, renewal of your beliefs, and reawakening of your health.
This book will guide you on a life-changing path to radically shift your health and love your body more. Raupp posits that the rampant rise in autoimmune illness is due to three co-existing factors:
· Body disconnect (a loss of connection to the spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of self, resulting in systemic body chaos)
· Behavioral sabotage (where deep-rooted beliefs negatively dictate your behavior, which dictates your health), and
· Environmental toxins (exposure to external disease-promoting elements).
With warmth, sensitivity, and practicality, Raupp will help you to resurrect your full potential to happily and gracefully inhabit your body and mind.
As you follow Raupp’s two-phase Body Belief diet and Body Belief lifestyle roadmap, your health will begin to thrive, both inside and out. Included are a diet plan, shopping lists, menus, meditations, mantras, and DIY and commercial suggestions for bath, beauty, and home products for self-care.