From Accomplice to Evil: "The world is simmering in the familiar rhetoric and actions of movements and regimes—from Hezbollah and al Qaeda to the Iranian Khomeinists and the Saudi Wahhabis—who swear to destroy us and others like us, and we are repeating the errors of the recent past. Like their 20th-century predecessors, they openly proclaim their intentions, and carry them out whenever and wherever they can. Like our 20th-century predecessors, we rarely take them seriously or act accordingly."
Acknowledging the existence and actions of evil enemies means accepting that we are at war, and then designing and con duct - ing a strategy to win. Accomplice to Evil takes a com pre hensive look at the errors we have made in the past when dealing with a mounting enemy force, why we've refused to acknowledge the implications of a rising evil, and how we can defeat the forces that threaten us today.