Breathing is what gives us life and yet we hardly ever think of this amazing process unless we happen to be running for a bus or sticking to our New Year's resolution of taking the stairs instead of the lift. But research now suggests that how we breathe can have a profound effect on our physical and emotional health, from controlling stress to improving mental focus and ability. Breathe Easy is a unique seven-day programme that allows you to unlock your true potential by harnessing the power of your breath. Dr David Lewis has worked with many top sports personalities to develop techniques that will help you perform at your peak consistently, physically, mentally and emotionally. Packed with practical exercises, and easy to follow, the programme takes just a few minutes each day. It's perfect for modern life, whether you need more confidence during presentations at work or simply want to feel energized and refreshed. You will feel calm, focused and motivated whatever the situation, and you'll never take breathing for granted again.