Mini Homestyle Indonesian Cooking
  Mini Homestyle Indonesian Cooking
Titolo Mini Homestyle Indonesian Cooking
AutoreW. Wongso William; A. L. Tobing Hayatinufus
Prezzo€ 4,81
EditorePeriplus Editions
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Enjoy home-cooked dishes from all over the Indonesian archipelago with this collection of over 40 classics from Sumatra, Java, Madura, Bali and Sulawesi. Indonesian cuisine is known for being diverse; over 300 ethnic groups call this tropical paradise home.” Homestyle Indonesian Cooking contains everything you need to know to create some of Indonesia’s tastiest appetizers, snacks, salads, vegetables, soups, stews, poultry, meat, seafood, and desserts. Recipes include: Chicken satay with peanut sauce Pecel Soto Aynam Madura Grilled chicken Sundanese Style Sambal prawns Young coconut meringue cake Javanese bean paste beef stew Banjarese chicken soup Also included in this book are unit conversion tables, dual unit measurements, a photo overview of the most essential Indonesian ingredients, and over 30 large clear photos. Each recipe includes cook time, prep time, and serving sizes. Enjoy!