Edible Salad Garden
  Edible Salad Garden
Titolo Edible Salad Garden
AutoreRosalind Creasy
Prezzo€ 8,41
EditorePeriplus Editions
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

This vegetable cookbook and gardening guide has everything you need to know about cultivating, harvesting, and serving green leafy vegetables from around the world. You'll learn about preparing soil, when to plant, and when and how to harvest. Creasy shares her own extensive knowledge, as well as drawing on the expertise of other culinary and gardening experts. You'll find photographs and instructions on how to grow and use more than two dozen varieties of lettuce, as well as arugula, cabbages of many kinds, chicories and cresses, endives, and kales. In addition to vegetable gardening techniques, the many salad recipes include: Caesar Salad Tangy Salad with Roasted Garlic Dressing Spicy Valentine Salad Wild, Wild Party Salad Spinach and Watercress Salad with Savory Mayonnaise Endive Salad with Oranges and Pistachios And many more!