Edible Pepper Garden
  Edible Pepper Garden
Titolo Edible Pepper Garden
AutoreRosalind Creasy
Prezzo€ 8,41
EditorePeriplus Editions
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

The Edible Pepper Garden acquaints the pepper novice with the numerous members of the Capsicum annum species-from the pea-sized, blazing-hot chiltepin to the eight-inch sweet banana pepper-and gives the chile initiate inspiration and suggestions to expand their pepper repertoire. With stunning photography and extensive definitions and explanations, Rosalind Creasy, the doyenne of edible landscaping, has taken the American fascination with peppers and made it accessible to the home gardener and home chef alike. Creasy takes us on a tour of two of her own extremely successful pepper gardens-the first yielded twenty-one varieties of hot and sweet peppers! She provides variety-specific growing information along with culinary and preparation suggestions.