The young hero, Abyss, continues on his quest to seal the chaotic God of Fire. However, the oddities that his magic has caused the world now throw him into a storm of misfortune. The boy must now deal with a crew of self-serving pirates, square off against the legendary hero Simon Williams, and crawl through the bizarre and deadly dungeon of the God of Fire.
The exiled and abandoned failures of heroes are led by the crafty and cynical Captain Friedrich Drake, who intends to harvest Abyss and cut him open alive. Escaping into a hectic coliseum, Abyss meets the spontaneous, mischievous Witch Dorothy, who seems to have many other odd plans for him in the back of her mind. However, the heroes and clerics alike have decided that Abyss has proven he's unfit for his original duties.
Waiting for the boy and his companions is a dungeon hidden in the stormy seas where the God of Fire resides. The dungeon holds herds of berserk chickens and octopuses, a deadly Field of Five Suns, and a disgruntled Child of Fire hiding the fated diamond blade. The final battles will require assistance from the immortal huntress Diana, and her hidden power, and demand an ominous sacrifice. With the ancient Pharaoh still yielding great expectations for Abyss and the legendary Witch he contracted with still hiding secrets, the darkest and deepest parts of his journey are yet to come.