501 Ways To Tie a Knot
  501 Ways To Tie a Knot
Titolo 501 Ways To Tie a Knot
AutoreLeigh Jones Kristin; DeSalle Kat
Prezzo€ 3,99
EditoreED Productions
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Being a submissive isn't easy. Being one of the BDSM community's most sought after ones that is willing to do, try, exhibit and teach anything...is even harder. Follow Levi as he takes his recently devastated friend, Rod, to Arizona to heal. Levi isn't there to just help Rod as this trip was already planned and is a necessity for his own well-being. He's there to relax, re-group, and prepare himself for his next cross-country tour to showcase his talents as a male submissive. 501 Ways to Tie a Knot unravels the mystery that is the Amish born man, Levi Johnson, who fled rural Pennsylvania at eighteen to find more from life--to feed his hungry soul. Levi discovers that everything in life comes at a price--especially when your heart and soul get involved. On the last stop of his tour in the infamous New Orleans, he's faced with an impossible situation: two women have his attention--both are lying. What happens when Levi falls in love with one of them, and lusts for the other? When the shocking reality becomes too hard to handle, he begins to question his existence in its entirety. His tediously balanced world gets turned upside down. Will he accept the truth or will what he's always desired walk out of his life forever? ***Can be read as a standalone, but is a much more enriching experience if you begin with book 1 of the Has-been Series, Ting Tang Tony. *** About the Series- The Has-Been Series follows four men on their journeys through their careers, loves, friendships, and the eventual pursuit of happiness in this rat race called life. Their paths just happen to intertwine in the adult industry, where they have all made a name for themselves at one point. Despite their different backgrounds, the men bonded--made their own family. Each man, each story, is its own, but related to the next. It's not a series about porn, it's about growth and the very flaws that make us interesting and unique. There will be times throughout these books when you won't think it's possible for the men to sink any lower, or for you to adore them and their tales any more. One thing always rings true throughout this series: enjoy your life, your family, and your friends--cherish every moment and remember to laugh your ass off the whole way through. Everyone needs to hear a good dick joke once in a while. Come take a ride on this boundary pushing series with depth and humor.