Meditation For Beginners Volume 1 Mindfulness Guide From A Master Quieting Your Mind To Deep Trance And True Peace Techniques
  Meditation For Beginners Volume 1 Mindfulness Guide From A Master Quieting Your Mind To Deep Trance And True Peace Techniques
Titolo Meditation For Beginners Volume 1 Mindfulness Guide From A Master Quieting Your Mind To Deep Trance And True Peace Techniques
AutoreStacie Milescu
Prezzo€ 2,99
EditoreMarketConnexus, LLC
LinguaTesto in Inglese

This book is created to educate persons not only on what meditation is but also to expand upon the processes that are involved in the process. It is expounded upon in two parts. The first part speaks to meditation and how to get to the different levels of trance (Beta to Alpha to Theta and beyond) while the second part looks at various Meditation guides. A lot of persons think that mediation is a supernatural process that just should not be tampered with but this book dispels all of that. Meditation is simply the process of learning how to strengthen your mind and be able to free it of clutter whenever you feel the need to just relax and be stress free. Meditation for beginners is a great resource guide for the persons that is interested in starting the process of meditation with the mindset of becoming an expert at astral projection, the ultimate form of achieving inner peace. Everything comes with an explanation and the methods of getting them done are outlined in easy to understand layman’s terms. There are many books on mediation on the market but this one is different as it is a not only highlights the basics which are common in every type of meditation but also highlights the various method to better aid the reader to find a method that works well for them.