A breathless drama set in the depths of space. Aboard a ship that has travelled beyond the reach of human knowledge, Corbyn discovers he is not as alone as he ought to be.
An intense hard SF novella from Simon Morden (B.Sc. Hons., Sheffield, Ph.D, Newcastle), a bona fide rocket scientist with degrees in geology and planetary geophysics who also writes science fiction.
The author of a dozen novels and collections, Simon won the 2012 Philip K. Dick Award. At the Speed of Light is one of his finest works to date.
“Morden has a natural talent for a plot that keeps the reader guessing.” – The Guardian (on Equations of Life)
“An engrossing rollercoaster of a plot winds up with a solidly satisfying climax that leaves the reader craving more.”
– Publishers Weekly (on Arcanum)
“This is British sci-fi at its hard-boiled best.” – The Guardian (on The Curve of the Earth)