The Legend and Land Battle
Descrizione |
The Legend and the Land Battle is a humorous tale about a squirrel named Merle, a skunk named Hunk, and a bunny named Sonny. The mountain they live on has been enchanted so that no animal shall harm another. Go along with the boys as they interact with a story telling bear, and a couple rambunctious cubs full of quick-witted definitions. See what they learn about the area they live in and why it is so special. A legend and a riddle about a bald, badger with a heart on his rump leads to some very unusual treasure. Then see how the animals on the mountain convince the humans they do not want to build there. Cooter may be a little quirky, and wear a bikini top on his head, but the boys soon learn he's the guy in charge. This action pact story is sure to leave laughing.