Scientific research has made it clear that a woman's body should be exercised differently from a man's, and that her training program should be adjusted to suit her body type and transformations as she moves through the various life stages.
Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training for Women is a unique guide, reference work, and graphic education tool suitable for any woman interested in understanding her own body, how it functions during exercise, and how to formulate a personal exercise program.
Over 90 exercises are provided to help you sculpt your entire body with gym weights, free weights, aerobics, and stretching, including:
Transverse activation in four-point kneeling
Barbell bench press
Cable cross-over
Freestanding barbell squats
Hip abductor machine
Seesaw with ball
Seated low cable pulley rows
Machine shoulder press
Dumbbell standing lateral raise
Rear deltoid machine
French curl
Cable tricep push-down
Supine hip flexion stretch
Plank to downward-facing dog
Child stretch
And much more!
The exercises are featured in clear anatomical detail and are grouped by aerobic training, abdominals, chest, legs and hips, back and shoulders, arms, and stretches and flexibility. Each exercise incorporates a full-body illustration plus instructions on proper execution and technique. Start and finish positions are shown, and supplementary information is included by way of hints and tips.
Inside this informative 144-page guide, you'll also find a method of assessing your own fitness which you can use to help you choose the correct type of program for your life stage and fitness level. Sample programs illustrate how you can choose a program based on the needs you have established in the assessment.
Build a better you by understanding how your body performs when exercising, with Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training for Women!