Profits from Pages
Self-publishing is a fast-growing industry, and bookstores and consumers alike now acknowledge the value of self-published books. In this valuable guide, industry experts coach you in becoming a player in the self-publishing arena-whether it is self-publishing your own book or providing professional services for others who want to self-publish.
Our experts reveal the tricks of the self-publishing trade: how to evaluate book ideas and recognize a hot-seller; how to develop an effective marketing plan; getting books reviewed and landing great publicity; getting books into traditional and non-traditional sales channels; tapping into the potential of online publishing, and more.
Addresses dramatic game-changers including print-on-demand and ebooks
Reviews industry player offerings including Ingram and Amazon
Covers critical marketing tools including author websites and social media marketing
Features interviews with industry insiders and practicing self-published authors
Plus, a quick-reference guide to every step in the publishing process helps you along your way.
The First Three Years
In addition to industry specific information, you’ll also tap into Entrepreneur’s more than 30 years of small business expertise via the 2nd section of the guide - Start Your Own Business. SYOB offers critical startup essentials and a current, comprehensive view of what it takes to survive the crucial first three years, giving your exactly what you need to survive and succeed. Plus, you’ll get advice and insight from experts and practicing entrepreneurs, all offering common-sense approaches and solutions to a wide range of challenges.
Pin point your target market
Uncover creative financing for startup and growth
Use online resources to streamline your business plan
Learn the secrets of successful marketing
Discover digital and social media tools and how to use them
Take advantage of hundreds of resources
Receive vital forms, worksheets and checklists
From startup to retirement, millions of entrepreneurs and small business owners have trusted Entrepreneur to point them in the right direction. We’ll teach you the secrets of the winners, and give you exactly what you need to lay the groundwork for success.
BONUS: Entrepreneur’s Startup Resource Kit!
Every small business is unique. Therefore, it’s essential to have tools that are customizable depending on your business’s needs. That’s why with Entrepreneur is also offering you access to our Startup Resource Kit. Get instant access to thousands of business letters, sales letters, sample documents and more all at your fingertips!
You’ll find the following:
The Small Business Legal Toolkit
When your business dreams go from idea to reality, you’re suddenly faced with laws and regulations governing nearly every move you make. Learn how to stay in compliance and protect your business from legal action. In this essential toolkit, you’ll get answers to the how do I get started?” questions every business owner faces along with a thorough understanding of the legal and tax requirements of your business.
Sample Business Letters
1000+ customizable business letters covering each type of written business communication you’re likely
to encounter as you communicate with customers, suppliers, employees, and others. Plus a complete guide to business communication that covers every question you may have about developing your own business communication style.
Sample Sales Letters
The experts at Entrepreneur have compiled more than 1000 of the most effective sales letters covering introductions, prospecting, setting up appointments, cover letters, proposal lett |