Information Marketing Business
  Information Marketing Business
Titolo Information Marketing Business
AutoreEntrepreneur magazine
Prezzo€ 37,74
EditoreEntrepreneur Press
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Start Your Own Information Marketing Business 2E A six-figure income from information? Yes! It sounds easy because it is. You've got information that millions of others are looking for and now you can learn how to package, price and sell it. The experts at Entrepreneur take you step by step, jumpstarting your thinking about your area of expertise and showing you how to convert it into a high-demand information product. Following the example set by today's most successful information marketers, you learn the ins and outs of running your own information marketing business using proven strategies and effective marketing techniques. Whether looking for a side business or a full-time venture-information marketing is a flexible, lucrative business that you can start any time, and everything you need is right here. This kit includes: Essential industry and business-specific startup steps with worksheets, calculators, checklists and more. Entrepreneur Editors’ Start Your Own Business, a guide to starting any business and surviving the first three years. Downloadable, customizable business letters, sales letters, and other sample documents Entrepreneur’s Small Business Legal Toolkit.