Start Your Own Medical Claims Billing Service
  Start Your Own Medical Claims Billing Service
Titolo Start Your Own Medical Claims Billing Service
AutoreStaff of Entrepreneur Media The; Davis Charlene
Prezzo€ 8,41
EditoreEntrepreneur Press
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

LAUNCH A CAREER IN MEDICAL CLAIMS BILLING The market for medical claim billers is growing exponentially. With legions of providers and an ever-expanding patient pool, health-care industry spending is expected to grow by 5.8 percent each year through 2024. By then, health-care spending will total $5.43 trillion and account for 19.6 percent of the gross domestic product. So let there be no doubt: Health care is big business and its growth shows no signs of slowing. This makes it the perfect time to start your own medical claims billing service.