After two hundred years, Dragoons remain too dangerous to live yet too valuable to kill. Those few who have escaped want control over their own lives.
Part of a trio of Dragoon super soldiers who have escaped Colonial Pact ownership, Brigit has moved constantly for the last twelve years. The three use their highly developed skills to protect each other and remain invisible to any Colonial Pact hunters.
A message from a trusted source brings them to Aginfeld, a planet whose bioformed land and atmosphere nears completion. Inside their ancient habitats, the residents are known for the feudal lifestyles. They have survived the Colonial Pact's decimating exile, are now a legal colony again, but under a subversive attack. The corporation wants Aginfeld at any cost for its vast and valuable resources and its soon to be habitable land. Brigit knows Aginfeld is a dangerous place for Dragoons, but the lure of freedom and a home is irresistible.