Landy's Dodges: The Mighty Mopars of "Dandy" Dick Landy
  Landy's Dodges: The Mighty Mopars of "Dandy" Dick Landy
Titolo Landy's Dodges: The Mighty Mopars of "Dandy" Dick Landy
AutoreGeoff Stunkard
Prezzo€ 28,49
EditoreCar Tech
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

The cars and career of legendary drag racing driver "Dandy" Dick Landy take the spotlight in this book, which includes images from the Landy family’s archive, personal stories and track results. Chrysler racing historian and author Geoff Stunkard presents this highly detailed account of the cars of Dick's career from piloting his first mount (a 1954 Ford pickup) through his historic years of campaigning Dodges. In addition to coverage of Dick's 1964 S/S Dodge and 1968 Hemi Dart, scarce information about his Ford Galaxies and Plymouth Savoy is included. One of the greatest innovators of his time, Dick Landy was one of those guys who made you rush back to your seat from the concessions stand so you could watch him navigate the 1320. Win, lose, or draw, watching one of Landy's Dodges battling the likes of Ronnie Sox, "Grumpy" Jenkins, or Hubert Platt was worth the price of admission alone. At no other time has Landy's entire career been chronicled and cataloged in print with this much attention to detail. Sit back in your recliner (wheels up) and enjoy the most comprehensive book on the history of “Dandy” Dick Landy and his cars.