“The trick to success is not avoiding failure; rather, it’s having in your back pocket the secrets for transforming the inevitable failure into success.”
For more than twenty-five years Al Angrisani has been helping troubled and under-performing companies experience a “reversal of fortunes” and turn failure into success and new shareholder wealth. Along his journey, he has developed a proven business turnaround model that has created hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth over and over again. In his first book, Win One for The Shareholders, Al shared his model with the world and the book instantly became a must-read. In this new book, From Last to First, Angrisani expands his turnaround philosophy to personal lives and careers, showing success- oriented readers how to turn the tables on failure and losing when life deals them a bad hand. Working professionals who have hit a rough patch in their business and/or personal lives can now turn to Al’s turnaround philosophy and model to create new success and wealth for them, their families, and shareholders.
In From Last to First, Angrisani examines the failure-breeding mistakes he has seen people make over and over again. He then offers his ten key steps proven to turn these failures into success.
Readers will learn:
How to begin by taking responsibility for their own lives
That failure is one of life’s greatest gifts; it’s the ONLY route to real change and success
Once they have faced failure head-on, success and wealth are just a few steps away
After you have read From Last to First, you will be empowered by the insight and tools it gives you to meet life’s adversities head-on and defeat failure by achieving success again and again.
Turn the Tables on Failure When Life Deals You a Bad Hand
Are you struggling in the face of adversity and finding it impossible to succeed and create wealth for yourself, your family, and your business? If the answer is yes, you need to read this book. In his first book, Win One for the Shareholders author Al Angrisani presented his proprietary system for business turnarounds. In From Last to First, Angrisani explains how his proven system can be used to achieve success in personal and family relationships and career planning.