Really Bad Dad Jokes
  Really Bad Dad Jokes
Titolo Really Bad Dad Jokes
AutoreJoe Kerz
Prezzo€ 11,27
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Bring out the groans with Really Bad Dad Jokes! Do you enjoy making puns about the most random things you can think of? Do you enjoy inducing embarrassment and eye-rolling from your family? Do you often crack yourself up with your own jokes? Then Really Bad Dad Jokes is for you! In this follow-up to Dad Jokes, you’ll find a multitude of the ultimate dad jokes, such as: If prisoners could take their own mug shots, would they be called cellfies? Dogs can’t operate MRI machines. . . but catscan! What did one plate say to the other? “Lunch is on me!” What does a martial arts expert drink? Kara-tea And many, many more! With over 400 unbearably funny puns, quips, and one-liners, Really Bad Dad Jokes is your secret to mastering one of the most groanworthy arts of being a dad.