CNC Woodworking for the Absolute Beginner
  CNC Woodworking for the Absolute Beginner
Titolo CNC Woodworking for the Absolute Beginner
AutoreRalph Bagnall
Prezzo€ 9,39
EditoreFox Chapel Publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Learn all about using a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) router while woodworking. Written for the absolute beginner, the author, Ralph Bagnall, provides an introduction to CNC, how the machines work, and 5 CNC projects to get started and find success. Full color photos enhance the readers' understanding of the craft. Projects include a Tic-Tac-Toe game, a cup holder, a coaster, a garden sign to identify plants and a metric conversion chart for the shop. If you just bought a CNC woodworking machine or are thinking about buying one, start with this book for an easy introduction to using it.