React in Action introduces front-end developers to the React framework and related tools. This clearly written, example-rich book begins by introducing you to React, diving into some of the fundamental ideas in React, and working with components. In the second section, you'll explore the different ways that data works in React as well as learning more about components. You'll also find several useful appendixes covering related topics like React tooling and the React ecosystem.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the Technology
Facebook created React to help deliver amazing user experiences on a website with thousands of components and an incomprehensible amount of traffic. The same powerful tools are available to you too! The key is a clever design for managing state, data flow, and rendering, so your application is easy to think about and runs smoothly. Add an incredibly rich ecosystem of components and libraries, and you've got a recipe for building web apps that will delight both developers and users.
About the Book
React in Action teaches you to think like a pro about user interfaces and building them with React. This practical book gets you up and running quickly with hands-on examples in every chapter. You'll master core topics like rendering, lifecycle methods, JSX, data flow, forms, routing, integrating with third-party libraries, and testing. And the included application design ideas will help make your apps pop. As you learn to integrate React into full-stack applications, you'll explore state management with Redux and server-side rendering, and even dabble in React Native for mobile UIs.
What's Inside
React from the ground up
Implementing a routing system with components
Server-side rendering in Node.js
Working with third-party libraries
Testing React components
About the Reader
Written for developers familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
About the Author
Mark Thomas is an experienced software engineer who works daily with React, JavaScript, and Node.js. He loves clean code, beautiful systems, and good coffee.
Table of Contents
Meet React
Our first component
Data and data flow in React
Rendering and lifecycle methods in React
Working with forms in React
Integrating third-party libraries with React
Routing in React
More routing and integrating Firebase
Testing React components
Redux application architecture
More Redux and integrating Redux with React
React on the server and integrating React Router
An introduction to React Native