In Lost Xentu Book 1, Yanda was drawn away from her home planet where she was a prestigious surgeon to find herself wayload into captivity by a greedy mage who collected anyone and anything with powers. Yanda's ability to see through walls and into bodies has drawn the attention of powerful enemies.In Book 2, she searches for any news of her daughter who disappeared while she was a hostage on a far planet. With illusive clues to her daughter's location, Yanda sets out with allies to find her girl and bring her home. For this, she must cross the universe and enter Unknown Space, a nearly impossible endeavor with its treacherous dark matter. Fate is not on her side as friends reach out, in dire danger, and her elf friend's ship the Sarsefi must detour. Saving her friend, a gruff engineer who can walk through walls, could raise new enemies, even cause war. But Yanda is anything but disloyal. Join this captivating crew of characters on their fascinating journey.