Faith Encounters of the Third Kind
  Faith Encounters of the Third Kind
Titolo Faith Encounters of the Third Kind
AutoreDavid J. Brewer
Prezzo€ 20,89
EditoreCascade Books
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Interreligious dialogue that strives for both hospitality and honest discussion of difference! Is it possible to have both? Is it possible for religious traditions to engage one another in a spirit of humility, while also working together toward mutual descriptions of God and the world? This is the goal of this book, to find points at which each of the religious traditions are vulnerable and open enough to listen to each other and to help each other toward a shared description of reality. If you share these concerns--concerns for interfaith dialogue as well as for deeply held notions of conviction and truth--then the invitation is open for mutual constructive engagement.