This Flag Does Not Come Down: Freedom Under the Banner of the King
  This Flag Does Not Come Down: Freedom Under the Banner of the King
Titolo This Flag Does Not Come Down: Freedom Under the Banner of the King
AutoreEvans Art
Prezzo€ 9,99
EditoreArt Evans
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Satan, like Blackbeard, is a pirate. He's the Chief Thief and marauder of whom God has gravely warned. During the Golden Age of Piracy, the Barbarian Brotherhood adhered to a proven process to take over a prize, a targeted ship. Shadowing, "Flyin' a friendly," and destroying the manifest, bandits such as Blackbeard, Calico Jack, and Madame Chang Shih drew on several techniques, identical to those Satan uses to highjack someone's life. Once on board, they signaled their domination by raising their flag over the conquered vessel. This maneuver was a declaration to all other ships—private, public, and pirate—"This one is mine and is now under my command." Drawing on his own life-threatening experiences, Art uncovers the schemes Satan, like the pirates of the high seas, used to conquer his life and steer him toward wreckage and ruin. Aware of the grave peril he was in, Art called out to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Life. Jesus, the Redeemer-Deliverer, stepped onto his ship, tore the pirate's flag down, and raised His blood-bought, blood-stained banner. It is His flag that does not come down! Intertwined with Piratical History, Art's story exposes how Satan, if given a foothold, can quickly turn it to become a life-changing, if not life-taking, stronghold. Saturated with our Creator's relentless pursuit to reach and redeem each of our lives, this book will provide readers with insights into Satan's pirate-practices and encouragement of God's unstoppable mercy and strength. This Flag Does Not Come Down is a story about hope!