Walking round in many circles many years inside your mind
Trying to convince yourself that how you're living suits you fine
But deep down inside of you in such turmoil all the time
Is your spirit man who senses that your life is misaligned
Misaligned with destiny, not living by Divine design
Stifling your true potential, keeping your true self confined
Confined down inside deep darkness where light never seems to shine
Where fear hinders you from truly living life time after time
Fear of stepping out in faith and leaving comfort zones behind
Terrified of walking through the darkness of the unknown blind
So afraid to try again because you've failed so many times
If you let your old self go will you like the new you you find?
Maybe yes or maybe no, but you can't stay here in this bind
Trapped in Mediocre Town witnessing your whole life decline
It is time to break your pattern, it is time to change your mind
It is time to cross over, it's time to shift your paradigm!