Legend tells of the City of the Damned - a dark and forbidding place destroyed in a previous age by the wrath of Sigmar. Long have its fallen towers remained undisturbed by the people of Ostermark, but now an ancient evil stirs in the depths, gathering its strength once more. Gotrek and Felix are swept up in the crusade of Baron Gv?tz von Kuber to cleanse the city, and as the ruins are torn from the passage of time itself, the Slayer's doom appears to be approaching more quickly than either of them would like.
Read it because
It is, very literally, Gotrek and Felix meets Mordheim. And this tale brings in elements that will haunt the Slayer and his companion in the future, even as they explore the past. Read this before the final two books in the series (also by David Guymer) and you'll see what we mean…