How to Be Free from Depression

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The thoughts you have when you're depressed come from the devil. And the good news for you is that the devil is a liar.
Do you feel weighed down all the time? Perhaps, although you are a Christian and know you're going to heaven, your spiritual life seems mediocre at best. You know the Bible says to rejoice always, and you'd like to be living joyfully, but you just don't know how.
In this sequel to How to Be Free from Bitterness, Jim Wilson returns to talk about how to deal with (and get rid of) depression, feelings of guilt, and problems with self-esteem. Many Christians feel like they are enslaved these sins, like there is no way out. But this is not true. The truth is that Christ has freed us from the penalty of sin and the power of sin. If you are a Christian, you are already free. Depression, guilt, low self-esteem—whatever your problem is, it can be put to death. "And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free" (John 8:32).