In the realm of Ostravah, magic lies broken and forgotten. Now, with the approaching millennium, an ancient strife that has spanned aeons will soon rekindle because the capricious Gods never rest - and they want their dues...
Dark revelations are afoot…
Having witnessed first-hand, the terrible merciless hunger of the Knights Commander Simarovien Zulavi's Demonai 'pets' – Solancei, Shield and childhood friend of Ostravahn Crown Princess Iambre, cannot seem to escape this unpredictable man's clutches. A fellow prisoner's strange words continue to haunt her whilst her Link to the State of Veranto remains her only hope to survive the pressures placed upon her, but within her core, the Veranto seems to have taken on a peculiar life of its own – something that she has never experienced before.
Solancei knows it could be a natural development of her abilities or it could be the detrimental side-effects of her sustained abuse of the Link, but even fearing an eventual lash back, she cannot surrender to Zulavi. Within her an icy light beckons, offering the notions of protection, but can she trust this fey, unknown side of the Veranto enough to give herself over? And despite her circumstances, should she? Zulavi is playing a strange game she cannot second guess, but as he prepares to torture the desired information from her, she fears herself out of luck. Caught in the middle of an impossible set of choices, Solancei knows her health and entire future will be forfeit, but Oaths spoken and signed should never be broken, nor should the sanctity of friendship – and particularly not as an accidental revelation of Zulavi's designs reveals a plot that could undo all and everything she holds dear.
Meanwhile, First Guardian Malandar Denarlin ponders the limits placed upon him.
With the Ostravahn magic torn and broken, certain conclusions merit that he can take only one avenue to protect the ever-elusive Twins, the Tarvia and the Alscara, but can this be done? A sudden unexpected breakthrough in the search for the sundered Astrolabe lightens the day, however, with every Guardian sheltering private agendas, such news may not serve to help their shaky unity. The Upper Circle consists of those chosen by the Maker Alérathnar, but how deep does the truth of their oaths hold the remaining nine avatars in place if the Maker Himself is now sleeping or worse?
To Malandar it seems there are several hard choices to be made – and even harder times ahead…