Sword of Betrayal
  Sword of Betrayal
Titolo Sword of Betrayal
AutoreEvert Robert; the Lines Publishing Between
Prezzo€ 4,99
EditoreLiminal Books
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Edris' life of ease and privilege ends abruptly when his father, Lord Elros, announces his son will enter the king's military in the spring. Edris has only six months to prepare himself to serve a king who openly despises his family and who will undoubtedly make Edris' life beyond miserable. Lord Elros has no time for poets and dreamers. To toughen his son up, he forces him into a brutal training regime. His win-at-all-costs demands push Edris to the brink. Leaving him to search for a way out and away from his father. A solution presents itself when the announcement of the latest Kings' Quest arrives. The royal proclamation offers a thousand gold pieces to the adventurer who finds the fabled Sword of Betrayal. Edris proposes he undertake the quest, arguing that it would help him better prepare to serve the king. Lord Elros agrees, with one additional task for his son – undertake the quest to get close to and kill the king's son and heir. Edris must not only find the sword but survive against the others venturing the quest. In the end, who will survive the Kings' Quest?